Members’ testimonials about their experience in ART:
As co-founder of ART, I attest that it has achieved more than I’d hoped for it when a colleague and I designed it more than a decade ago: Although ART is not a formal entity but instead is essentially a loose affiliation of niche practice lawyers, it has served for me and other solos and small firm lawyers as a substitute for having a larger firm with many partners in different areas of practice, without many of the attendant hassles. We reap the benefits through strong mutual support from friends and colleagues we’ve come to know over the months and years (some of us still are original members, since 2000), assisting each other by discussing issues of law practice management, referring clients to members in other niche areas of practice, providing information about our areas of expertise to those practicing in other niches when issues arise in their practices, working together on appropriate matters, and in just about every other legitimate way imaginable. ART is social (our meetings regularly are filled with irreverence and laughter, spouses and significant others are invited to our annual summer BBQ, and many of our members socialize beyond the monthly meetings); ART is professional (our members are some of the premier NY metro area practitioners in their areas of expertise); ART is cost-effective (for several hundred dollars in dues annually, members not only enjoy good quality dinners and/or cocktail hours at top area restaurants, but most make back considerable multiples every year in terms of new business referred to them through members – at the risk of teetering on the edge of crassness, some members have saved considerable expenses and have reaped several hundred thousand dollars in revenue through this group, although leads and referrals are not mandated as in some groups); ART has longevity and a refined, proven formula that works for most types of lawyers; and ART is unique – there are no other groups quite like ART in the NY metro area. Check out our membership criteria and guidelines on the second page of this website, and see whether you might qualify for and be interested in prospective membership in ART. David J. Abeshouse Business Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution | Arbitrator/Mediator
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I have increased my business through valuable referrals from other ART members. However, just as important, I have built my contact list with quality attorneys in other fields of law who can assist my clients when I cannot handle their matters. ART members also are very generous in answering questions in their field of expertise. Finally, my wife and I have developed friendships with and regularly socialize with other ART members. To sum up: great organization; great people; and great networking. Michael L. Pfeifer Elder Law
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I have been a member of ART for many years because it provides an indispensible professional resource: A well respected roster of seasoned lawyers, each with their own local boutique practice, available on a moment’s notice to brainstorm current legal issues, which benefits my Firm and client base. At times, ART members serve as a reliable colleague to refer a case to if not within my area of expertise. Other times, ART attorneys provide a collegial forum to share ideas and solutions regarding the “business” of running a law firm. All in all, my practice has greatly benefitted from ART and I encourage other like-minded attorneys to join the group.
David A. Zarett HealthCare Law – Physicians and Dentists
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I have been a member of this group since its inception in near-biblical times. That alone is reason enough to commend it since I ordinarily follow the Marxist (Groucho) doctrine regarding organizations that would have me as a member. Having missed out on the Knights of the Round Table, however, I thought I might settle for the Attorneys thereof since no other serious entity could possibly tolerate my juvenile wit. Unable to speak for the other members since I am not a ventriloquist, I can nonetheless wholeheartedly declare that I have been pleased in all respects by my participation. The members are intelligent, warm, helpful and well worth the time. It’s just a damn good group, even though it’s composed of lawyers. Adrian Di Luzio Criminal Law
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I have been a member of ART for at least a half dozen years. I have been so impressed with the quality of the member attorneys and numerous benefits received from ART that it is the only networking group of which I am a member. While the numerous referrals I have received from other members are unquestionably a substantial financial benefit, the ability to call on the expertise of so many top attorneys in their respective fields has been even more invaluable. Every member of ART stands ready to assist their fellow members with answers to questions, guidance and problem solving. Given the high standing of each of the members, I am extremely confident in relying on the advice received and even more confident in referring my clients to ART members for representation. I can also attest that not only has ART been professionally satisfying, but personally as well. I have made close friendships with quite a few of the members and we have spent time together in non-business settings and pursuits. Stewart Wurtzel Landlord/tenant and real estate litigation; co-ops and condos
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Considering the fact that, at my suggestion, two of my corporate clients have reached out to ART colleagues in the past week for particularized counsel as to delicate matters that are the focus of their practice (and not mine), I feel confident in saying that ART is an indispensable resource for not only me, but for my clients as well. With the able assistance of my ART colleagues, as a sole practitioner I’m still able to be the “go-to” resource for all of my clients’ legal needs. They know that if a legal matter is beyond my area of competence, I’ll have someone to recommend them to who will offer them the same level of service and attentiveness that they’ve come to expect from me. Thanks to ART, no matter is too big or small for a client to run by me, whether it’s for a quick consult or a major litigation. That’s a tremendous benefit to me in my practice, and provides the proverbial “win-win” for my clients, who get “one-stop shopping” for all their legal needs and know that their matter is being addressed by counsel with years of relevant experience. Jeffrey N. Bernstein Corporate Counsel
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I initially joined the Attorney Roundtable with the hopes of networking and generating business. In my 11 years as a member, not only have I been able to generate a significant amount of new business, but I have developed a number of close relationships as well. I view the ART members as personal friends and have full confidence referring them to my contacts. I also enjoy the notion that if I have a question in an area of law that I am not well versed, I have the members of ART to help me out with a prompt and accurate answer. Philip J. Capell, CFP, JD, MS in Tax Chief Executive Officer Piermont Wealth Management
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As a member of ART for many years, I have developed important and valuable personal and professional relationships with caring individuals who also happen to be highly qualified attorneys in their areas of concentration. The dinner, program and social functions format of the organization lends itself to a special camaraderie amongst its members. Over the years ART has consistently provided me the opportunity to pick up the phone to pose a legal question outside my area of expertise and receive a prompt and thoughtful response. Even within my own area of expertise I have been able to “bounce off” ideas and obtain valuable insights. ART has also been a source of client referrals to me and a resource to send clients in need of legal representation outside my practice area. ART has also been helpful in providing a forum to discuss and learn about law office management and quality of life issues common to us all. Andrew M. Thaler Bankruptcy Law
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Even though our law practice is limited to Elder Law, Estate Planning and Special Needs Planning, we get calls from clients requesting legal assistance with a variety of legal matters. Attorney Round Table members provide me with the resource that I need to assist my clients with virtually any type of legal concern. Further, ART members represent the “cream of the crop” in their respective fields of practice. But, the biggest plus that I received from ART are the wonderful friends that I have made since I joined the group. Ronald Fatoullah Elder Law
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Membership in ART has been invaluable to my practice. It’s not just getting referrals of new business; the expertise of our members in diverse practice areas serves as a great resource as well. I have called upon (and been called by) many members for a few moments of their time when their specialty touches my personal injury practice whether it be immigration, criminal, workers comp, bankruptcy and other fields. The camaraderie is an added bonus as I see many members socially as well and I find myself looking forward to our monthly dinner meetings. Steven E. Millon Personal injury and medical malpractice law
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Belonging to ART has given me the ability to network with other lawyers in the disciplines of Trusts & Estates, Corporate and Criminal Law and other avenues of the law that impact upon the practice of matrimonial law. It is a wonderful resource to be able to obtain expert legal advice affecting my client’s litigation as they proceed to obtain their divorce. Elliot D. Samuelson Matrimonial and family law
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I have been a member of ART for over five years and was introduced to the group by Jeffrey Bernstein who I knew socially before that. When I first joined the group, I was starting out as a sole practitioner at a new location, having moved my offices from Manhattan to Queens in 2005. I did not have any affiliation with that many attorneys in the Long Island and the Queens area. I used the group as a way of socializing with other attorneys in this area. I also began to rely on these attorneys, who I also consider friends, for advice in their various areas of expertise. I found this to be a valuable tool, especially being a sole practitioner. Over the years, I have referred certain matters to the members of the group and my referrals were always handled in a professional and competent manner. I look forward to the regular monthly meetings as a way to branch out and stay in touch with other lawyers and to gauge how similarly situated attorneys are coping with new developments of law and with these trying economic times. I look forward to continuing my affiliation with the group. David B. Katz Real estate law
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I have been a member of the Attorney Roundtable for four years. It is by far the best networking group I have been associated with. Not only do I regularly receive referrals from fellow members, but the support I receive from the other members of the group is tremendous. Whether I have a client who needs legal help outside of my area of practice, or I simply have a quick question, I know that assistance is just a phone call away. David S. Feather Labor and employment law
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I have belonged to ART since March 2005, and was introduced to the group by its founder, David Abeshouse, whom I had met in 2001 through another networking group, the American Bar Association’s “Solosez” listserv. Over the past 9+ years of membership with ART, I have met many local, Long Island-based solo and small firm attorneys whom are well respected within their fields of law. When I have a question about a particular area of law outside my practice area, which is Immigration Law, I can call upon another group member for their help, and vice versa. When I need to make a referral, I can make a referral with confidence to the members of this group. The form of the meetings are informal, and vary between an organized discussion on a topic to a more social meeting. Michael J. Meehan Immigration Law
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Jay Foonberg wrote the leading book on successfully launching a solo practice, and he has said that you need three skills: legal skills, practice management skills, and marketing/client relations skills. ART helps me with all three. The business generation is the most quantifiable benefit, but it is far from the only benefit. My clients often need legal help that is outside of my wheelhouse. Having a ready source of excellent attorneys encompassing most practice areas is a huge help. And it is invaluable to hear how these attorneys deal with the array of practice management challenges that we all must confront. Finally, it is just a good, fun group of people. Daniel L. Abrams Business Litigation and Legal Malpractice Law
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Legal Disclaimer
DISCLAIMER: Please note that the Attorney Round Table (ART) is not a law firm, partnership, or any other type of entity. Members of ART are valuable resources for each other, as they have expertise in varied practice areas. Each attorney who is a member of ART has a practice separate from other ART members (and may be a partner or principal in a law partnership, limited liability company, professional limited liability company, professional corporation, sole proprietorship, or other entity). No attorney in ART has any liability or responsibility for the services or work product of any other member of ART.