Well-defined principal substantive area of law practice for practicing attorneys; focus or concentration in that one niche area, greater than 50% of individual’s practice and that of firm; no more than two members per law practice area (“Noah’s Ark” competitive model: two-by-two) in the group; approval by group membership (individual member veto power: Two vetos results in denial of membership to prospect). Two applicants vying for one available slot are to be determined by group vote, with majority prevailing. Senior in-house corporate legal counsel welcomed; lawyer-owners of legally-related businesses benefitting lawyers are considered on a restrictive case-by-case basis (e.g., must have minimum 3 years experience in this business).
ART Membership Criteria:
The primary focus of the Attorney Round Table (“ART”) is networking — building relationships, referring business, conferring with practitioners in other disciplines to support and assist each other in our practices (providing resources among the various niche practitioners who are members); the social aspect is important, but secondary. Members should be active networker within ART, and elsewhere. They are encouraged to invite each other to breakfast, lunch, office visits, cocktail hours, sporting events, networking events, and the like, in an effort to build and deepen relationships.
Members should focus or concentrate more than 50% of their practice in one niche area. They also must have substantial and well documented experience in their principal area of practice. Attorney Round Table only allows two members in any practice area.
Members should commit to participate actively in the Attorney Round Table. This includes regular attendance at meetings and events, with an aspirational goal of missing no more than two meetings each year (i.e., attendance at 8 of the 10 monthly meetings annually); interaction with other Attorney Round Table members in between meetings; bringing visitors or prospective members to the group; remaining current with timely payment of semi-annual dues and any assessments.
ART collects semi-annual dues (currently $400 every June and $400 every December), which covers the cost of dinners and certain other activities of the group; there may be a modest additional charge for other activities, such as group advertising, special events, cash bar for cocktail hours, and the like. Guests pay a fixed 50 cost for attending (by check or cash due that evening).
Visitors: Visitors who are prospective members must complete and submit the short application below for screening (e.g., existence of competition for a particular practice area “slot” and other criteria) by the Membership Committee no less than three days before attending a meeting. Before attending any meeting, an applicant MUST receive clearance to do so from the Membership Committee, and a formal invitation. Visitors must attend two meetings (at least one of which must be a “regular” meeting; the other can be a regular or a “social” meeting) before being considered for membership.
Guests: Please bring a check for $50 to cover the dinner cost for visitors, payable to “Jeffrey N. Bernstein, Esq., as Escrow Agent” and note “ART” in the memo portion.
If you are interested in visiting us for two meetings before deciding whether you wish to have your application considered formally, please complete and then copy and paste this application form into a the text of an e-mail or into a Word document and transmit it to the Membership Committee representative(s) indicated below.
Please try to submit your completed application at least one week before the first meeting that you anticipate attending as a visitor, so that your application can be vetted.
— Please Copy and Paste into Email Response at least ONE WEEK before meeting, per instructions:
Firm/Co. Name:_______________________________________________________
Business Address:__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Telephone: _______________________________
Cell Phone (optional):__________________________
FAX (optional): ______________________________________ Email:_______________________________________
Web Address:________________________________
Designated Law Practice Area for ART (>50% of actual law practice): _________________________________________________________________
(Note that there are only two membership slots for each practice area. This application is subject to the availability of an opening in your designated practice area, and approval of the group.)
Description of your Practice/Business (include preferred clients, preferred work, areas of focus, etc.): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have 7+ years experience in this law practice area (or 3+ years in this corporate business, for non-practicing attorneys)? Yes No
Are you a partner or owner in your firm/practice/business? Yes No
Is at least 50% of your work within the practice area designated above? Yes No
Is at least 50% of your firm’s work within that practice area in NY? Yes No
Do you have an office within the NY metro area? Yes No
Please explain briefly any “no” answer.
What other business or legal networking experience do you have?
How did you learn about A.R.T. (from whom; or what ‘net search engine key words; etc.)?
For non-practicing attorneys:
(a) Please explain briefly how your business services and/or benefits practicing attorneys.
(b) Are you willing and able to make client referrals to practicing lawyers such as members of ART?
By submitting this application, I confirm that I have read, and agree to adhere to, the membership criteria, guidelines, and policies set out on the second page of the group’s website (“Guidelines/Application”) — at: . I understand that my application must be approved, and I must receive an invitation from the Membership Committee, before attending my first ART meeting.
Signature of Prospective Member
Return completed forms to EITHER Membership Committee representatives: Nancy B. Schess, via e-mail: OR Rona Gura via e-mail:
Please try to submit your completed application at least one week before the first meeting that you anticipate attending as a visitor, so that your application can be vetted.
Prospective visitors may direct their questions to either of the two Membership Committee representatives named above.
Contact information for all appears on the “Members” page of this website.
Our Group’s Aspirations:
Our Group Is For practicing lawyers: At least seven years of law practice experience in that principal area of law practice. Ownership of practice/owner-officer-senior manager of corporation. Office location in, and more than 50% of practice based in, any or all of the 8 counties comprising Long Island, New York City, and Westchester.
Clear commitment to participate actively in the Attorney Round Table: regular attendance at meetings and events, with an aspirational goal of missing no more than two meetings each year (i.e., attendance at 9 of the 11 monthly meetings annually); RSVP-ing promptly by e-mail in advance regarding attendance at meetings; service on a committee and other appropriate functions; interaction with other Attorney Round Table members in between meetings; bringing to the group at least one new visitor (qualified prospective member) per year; remaining current with timely payment of semi-annual dues and any assessments.
Note: If any ART member subsequently joins a multi-practice firm or otherwise effects a change in practice that does not qualify under ART guidelines, that member’s participation in ART is subject to immediate termination by the Executive Committee.
Associate membership: Those members determined by the Executive Committee not to have maintained sufficient attendance levels (e.g., missing no more than 3 meetings in a rolling 12-month period) are subject to change of status, from full to associate membership, the difference being that associate members’ slots are open to being usurped by new prospects, unless the associate member improves attendance to a sufficient level to restore full membership. Additionally, associate members are not eligible for any reduction in dues when same temporarily is offered to full members. Please contact an Executive Committee member for further details.
Other guidelines and policies include:
The primary focus of the group is networking — building relationships, referring business, conferring wiih practitioners in other disciplines to support and assist each other in our practices (providing resources among the various niche practitioners who are members); the social aspect is important, but secondary. Members should be active networker within ART, and elsewhere.
Aspirational goal: Members should meet with at least 6 other ART members each year outside the group meeting setting; these 6 should be people whom the member does not see regularly other than at ART meetings, has not ever met with privately or at least not in a considerable time, etc. Members are encouraged to invite each other to breakfast, lunch, office visits, cocktail hours, sporting events, networking events, and the like, in an effort to build and deepen relationships.
Approximately eleven monthly ART meetings annually; seven regular, agenda-based meetings, plus one social outing (cocktails, holiday party, ballgame, activity, picnic, etc.) each season (quarterly) in lieu of that month’s regular meeting (see calendar on home page of website). Meetings generally are the third Thursday of each month. Regular meetings are for dinner, starting with networking around 6:15 p.m. and ending around 8:30 p.m. at the conclusion of the agenda and the dinner.
A representative of the Program Committee will lead each regular meeting (on a rotating basis): responsible for setting the agenda for the meeting including (well in advance) any outside speaker or internal topic discussion or presentation; arranging at least 6 – 8 weeks in advance the restaurant reservation; gathering member RSVPs; and confirming the headcount with the restaurant 2 days before the meeting.
The five-member Executive Committee (initially elected 1/07 for a two-year term; the second EC term commenced 1/09 following a nomination process; the third EC term commenced 1/11 following a nomination process) manages the group, and exercises authority to determine and effectuate policies and procedures for the group, and to help provide leadership, accountability, and organizational structure, for the benefit of the group and its members. The Executive Committee meets 3 – 4 times each year, in person and/or by telephone conference call, and regularly exchanges e-mails regarding ART EC business. At least one member of the Executive Committee serves on each Committee, as liaison and general coordinator. Each member of the EC serves as Chair of and liaison to one or more Committees. The Executive Committee functions as a unit, sharing information internally and making policy, procedural, and other decisions intended for the betterment of the group.
The Treasury/Finance Committee collects semi-annual dues (currently $300 every June and $300 every December), which covers the cost of dinners and certain other activities of the group; there may be a modest additional charge for other activities, such as group advertising, special events, cash bar for cocktail hours, and the like. Visitors pay the approximately $50 cost for dinner (by check or cash due that evening). A financial penalty will be imposed against any member whose dues remain unpaid after the deadline.
Visitors: Visitors who are prospective members must complete and submit the short application below for screening (e.g., existence of competition for a particular practice area “slot” and other criteria) by the Membership Committee no less than three days before attending a meeting. Before attending any meeting, an applicant MUST receive clearance to do so from the Membership Committee, and a formal invitation. Visitors must attend two meetings (at least one of which must be a “regular” meeting; the other can be a regular or a “social” meeting) before being considered for membership. Visitors should be prepared to present to the group at the first and/or second regular meeting they attend an informal three-to-five-minute-long summary of their background, principal practice areas, other networking experience, description of who constitutes a “good lead” for them, and anything else they may wish to add. The Membership Committee conducts initial screening to ensure that visitors meet the requisite criteria for membership in the group (e.g., niche practice firm, 7+ years of practice in that area, etc.). Any two existing members can in good faith veto a prospect on legitimate grounds — other than competition for a “slot” — following screening by the Membership Committee and presentation to the general membership of the application for membership; so two vetos results in denial of membership to the prospect. “Legitimate grounds” means that the applicant is deemed inappropriate for the group following serious consideration.
Guests: Please bring a check for $50 to cover the dinner cost for visitors, payable to “Jeffrey N. Bernstein, Esq., as Escrow Agent” and note “ART” in the memo portion.
Sample ART regular meeting agenda (aspirational):
6:30p.m. – gather and socialize/network; cocktails
6:45 p.m. – committee meetings, if scheduled in advance (occasional)
7:00 p.m. – assemble; group leader announcements, welcome to guests
7:05 p.m. – introductions: approximately 30 seconds for members; longer for guests
7:25 p.m. – member thanks (for referrals, support, etc.); good and welfare (charitable and other events); encouragement to bring prospects/visitors to meetings
7:35 p.m. – member spotlight presentation (more in-depth re: one member); or group discussion topic on legal/practice matter or ART business
7:45 p.m. – further group discussion; or additional spotlight presentations; or other matters – determined by Program Committee member leading that meeting
8:15 p.m. – dessert and coffee
8:30 p.m. – conclusion; participants are welcome to stay and network
If you are interested in visiting us for two meetings before deciding whether you wish to have your application considered formally, please complete and then copy and paste this application form into a the text of an e-mail or into a Word document and transmit it to the Membership Committee representative(s) indicated below.
Please try to submit your completed application at least one week before the first meeting that you anticipate attending as a visitor, so that your application can be vetted.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that the Attorney Round Table (ART) is not a law firm, partnership, or any other type of entity. Members of ART are valuable resources for each other, as they have expertise in varied practice areas. Each attorney who is a member of ART has a practice separate from other ART members (and may be a partner or principal in a law partnership, limited liability company, professional limited liability company, professional corporation or a sole proprietorship). No attorney in ART has any liability or responsibility for the services or work product of any other member of ART.
Content copyright 2006 – 2024. David Abeshouse & Michael Meehan & The Attorney Round Table. All rights reserved.
Why Attorney Roundtable Group?
As co-founder of ART, I attest that it has achieved more than I’d hoped for it when a colleague and I designed it more than a decade ago: Although ART is not a formal entity but instead is essentially a loose affiliation of niche practice lawyers, it has served for me and other solos and small firm lawyers as a substitute for having a larger firm with many partners in different areas of practice, without many of the attendant hassles. We reap the benefits through strong mutual support from friends and colleagues we’ve come to know over the months and years (some of us still are original members, since 2000), assisting each other by discussing issues of law practice management, referring clients to members in other niche areas of practice, providing information about our areas of expertise to those practicing in other niches when issues arise in their practices, working together on appropriate matters, and in just about every other legitimate way imaginable. ART is social (our meetings regularly are filled with irreverence and laughter, spouses and significant others are invited to our annual summer BBQ, and many of our members socialize beyond the monthly meetings); ART is professional (our members are some of the premier NY metro area practitioners in their areas of expertise); ART is cost-effective (for several hundred dollars in dues annually, members not only enjoy good quality dinners and/or cocktail hours at top area restaurants, but most make back considerable multiples every year in terms of new business referred to them through members – at the risk of teetering on the edge of crassness, some members have saved considerable expenses and have reaped several hundred thousand dollars in revenue through this group, although leads and referrals are not mandated as in some groups); ART has longevity and a refined, proven formula that works for most types of lawyers; and ART is unique – there are no other groups quite like ART in the NY metro area. Check out our membership criteria and guidelines on the second page of this website, and see whether you might qualify for and be interested in prospective membership in ART.
— David J. Abeshouse, Co-Founding Member of Attorney Round Table
Business Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution | Arbitrator/Mediator
Networking Since 2000
Different Practice Areas
Regularly Meetings Each Month
Collegial Atmosphere
Legal Disclaimer
DISCLAIMER: Please note that the Attorney Round Table (ART) is not a law firm, partnership, or any other type of entity. Members of ART are valuable resources for each other, as they have expertise in varied practice areas. Each attorney who is a member of ART has a practice separate from other ART members (and may be a partner or principal in a law partnership, limited liability company, professional limited liability company, professional corporation, sole proprietorship, or other entity). No attorney in ART has any liability or responsibility for the services or work product of any other member of ART.